Global Celebrations of the Winter Solstice

Newgrange - Ireland

The prehistoric monument of Newgrange is aligned with the rising sun on the winter solstice. Built over 5,000 years ago, it predates Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids. Each year, a beam of sunlight illuminates the inner chamber, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness.

Inti Raymi - Peru

Although traditionally held during the June solstice, which is the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, Inti Raymi is an ancient Incan festival honoring the Sun god Inti. The celebration includes music, dancing, and sacrifices, reflecting the importance of the Sun in agricultural societies.

Modranicht - Anglo-Saxon Tradition

Meaning "Mother's Night," Modranicht was observed by the Anglo-Saxons on the eve of the winter solstice. It was a time to honor female deities and ancestral mothers, symbolizing fertility and the rebirth of the Sun.

Koliada - Eastern Europe

Koliada is a Slavic festival celebrated during the winter solstice. Traditions include singing carols, feasting, and lighting fires to symbolize the return of the Sun. The festival has influenced modern Christmas and New Year traditions in the region.